CREATE. GROW. EXPLORE. MiniQuest Camps are located at the F.M. Kirby Children's Center and are for preschool students ages 3-4.
We are busy planning for our 2024 camp season. Learn more about Quest Camps here.
Registration for all Madison Area YMCA day camps is currently live online. Use a desktop, laptop or mobile device to register.
2024 Summer Day Camps begin Monday, June 24, 2024.

8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. for preschoolers
Available Sessions 1-5 (Weeks 1-10)*
At the F.M. Kirby Children's Center
MiniQuest Full-Day Camp is ideal for the aspiring camper who is eager to learn, play and grow. Children ages 3 to 4 participate in a wide range of activities that include story time, dramatic play, nature and much more. MiniQuest Full-Day Camp concludes each day with reflections on the Y's core values of Caring, Honesty, Respect and Responsibility in our closing circle at 4:30 PM. Campers must be fully toilet trained in order to attend MiniQuest Full-Day Camp.
*No camp on Monday, July 4 and Friday, August 25
**Water play will be substituted in the event of unexpected pool closure.
Learn more about Quest Camps here.
(7-8:30 AM) (Optional Before Care)
8:30 AM Campers Arrive
9 AM Morning Circle
9:20 AM Active Play/Playground
10 AM Morning Snack
10:30 AM Arts and Crafts
11 AM Gym Time
11:45 AM Lunch
12:30 PM Read Aloud Story Time
1:15 PM Creative/Dramatic Play
1:45 PM Active Play/Playground or Gym
2:30 PM Afternoon Snack
3 PM Stations (Blocks, Play Dough, Coloring, etc.)
3:45 PM Clean-up
4 PM Closing Circle Time
4:30 PM Campers Dismissal
(4:30-6 PM) (Optional After Care)

The YMCA believes that every child should have the opportunity to enjoy a summer camp experience. As a charity, the Madison Area YMCA offers a financial assistance program that provides help to families who cannot afford the full price of camp.
Through generous donations and special events, the Madison Area YMCA provided 254 weeks of camp in 2019 which totaled more than $71,500 in assistance.
When you register your child for camp this year, please consider making a donation. Our financial assistance does more than send kids to camp. You’ll help ensure that another child will have the best summer ever.
The Y.™ For a better us. Click here to donate now!